
Case Study - IDRF - Food Distribution 2021 - Ayesha

Purpose of Case Studies 

Case studies are an excellent tool used in the monitoring and evaluation of a project. IDRF requires a minimum of two case study submissions per reporting period to highlight some of the unique experiences and stories of IDRF’s project beneficiaries.  A case study is more than a simple reiteration of the services a beneficiary received under a specific project. A case study should tell a unique story of a beneficiary and should demonstrate the effectiveness and impact of a project in addressing specific challenges outlined in the project agreement. A case study should explain the short and long-term benefits a beneficiary received as a participant of an IDRF project. Overall, case studies involve looking at one experience in-depth and showing how this experience relates to the broader picture. 


When structured, developed, and written correctly, a case study should engage the reader by clearly describing the situational context and the challenge(s) faced by a particular beneficiary. It highlights the importance of the current project and why there is a need for such programming. When shared through social media, case studies are extremely useful in raising awareness about specific global issues and encourage the reader to act and learn more about a project.


Developing Case Studies 


There are many ways to develop and structure a case study. For this project, a case study should be framed as a story having three main components: (1) a main character; in this case, the main character would be a project beneficiary, (2) a problem; this should include a description of the challenge(s) experienced by that beneficiary, and lastly (3) a solution; the solution should be a description of how that beneficiary’s participation in this project improved or mitigated the identified challenges.


Case Study Framework  


As previously stated, the purpose of a case study is to inform, engage and mobilize the reader to act, learn more and remain engaged in the project and the work of the organizations involved. The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for all case study submissions ensuring consistency and compliance with IDRF reporting requirements. 


Please note: Case study submissions are required at all scheduled reporting periods outlined on the payment and reporting schedule of the project agreement. Each case study should be accompanied by a minimum of two high-resolution, full-length JPEG photo attachments. Please DO NOT copy and paste pictures into this template as this affects the quality of the photos. Please complete the following framework by providing a minimum of two case studies per reporting period.



Project Title

“Food Pack Distribution Project for Rohingya and Host Population 2021”.




Ukhiya Upazila, Cox’s Bazar District, Chittagong Division 


Food Security and Nutrition 

Project Beneficiary 

Indicate the [name] and [age] of the beneficiary featured in this case study. 

Ayesha (Female), age 29 years, disabled

Challenges experienced by beneficiary 

Describe the unique challenges faced by the beneficiary specific to the project sector. [Please include this information in point form]


       Reliance for food on other projects

       Being a disabled person, Ayesha faced lots of challenges from the family and outside

       Although the family receives basic food items from other projects, it still hardly meets the regular dietary needs.  

Project impact

Describe the how this project improved or mitigated the challenges identified by the beneficiary. Please describe the short-term and long-term benefits of this project. [Please include this information in point form]


       Met the nutritional demand of the family

       Somewhat reduced her efforts to manage food from other sources

       Reduced food insecurity in coming future

       Foods are nourished with carbohydrates, proteins and fats etc. Hence, the family will be able to meet the dietary needs for a certain period. 

       Different donor agencies may come forward to replicate such projects in other parts of the camps. 

Completed Case Study (minimum of 2 paragraphs)

Insert the completed full-length case study. 


Like millions of FDMN, Ayesha and her family was one them who were brutally tortured by the Myanmar Army in 2017 and fled in Bangladesh for a better living.  Ayesha, 19 years of age lives with her parents at camp-4 of Cox’s bazar, the largest refugee camps in the world. Being a disabled person, her life is lot different from others. Due to her disability, she badly relies on her parents.  


Fleeing from the Myanmar Army, the life of Ayesha and her family was no better. Starvation, poor WASH facilities, shanty shelters are synonymous for hundreds of thousands of Rohingya like her. As the Rohingya camp is located in hilly areas, the family suffers an unprecedented hardship due to ayesha’s disability. Although she complemented some of household chores do not compensate the effort. WFP provides food items for basic survival which does not meet nutritional demand of the family. Besides, due to corona virus, ayesha’s family did not receive any food assistance from other agencies. 

Like other FDMN beneficiaries, although Ayesha also received food package the impact was hit differently to her families. The food assistance project funded by IDRF and implemented by GUSS was a great help for the beneficiary. Aromatic Rice, Semai, Sugar, Milk, Spices, Onions, Potatoes, and Lentils from the project not only met their nutritional demand but also reduces their effort on food related support. Carbohydrates, Proteins and fats ensured a good source of nutritional value for the family. Through this project, it is expected targeted FDMN population will reduce food insecurity at some extent. The support was minimum in comparison to the number of needy populations at the camp. Hence, better impact can be achieved if the target area is broadened. 

Beneficiary Quotation #1

Include a direct quotation from the beneficiary describing the unique challenges experienced by the beneficiary.


“The support from IDRF and GUSS reduced the effort of my parents on food support”. 

Beneficiary Quotation #2

Include a direct quotation from the beneficiary describing the positive impact of the project in relation to the challenges described above. 


“My family is grateful to IDRF & GUSS for giving us this plentiful nutritious food pack. Hopefully these food items will somewhat meet the nutritional demand of me”. 


Provide a brief description of the case study pictures provided. Please ensure each case study is accompanied by a minimum of two pictures featuring the beneficiary participating in the project activities. 


The pictures were taken during distribution. Pictures are attached as Annex-6