

GUSS acknowledges the transformative impact of education and is actively involved in projects dedicated to providing quality education to underserved communities. In Barguna, Barisal, our collaboration with the Bangladesh Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE) involves delivering education through 70 learning centres, benefiting 2100 enrolled students. This ongoing project focuses on the reintegration of out-of-school children aged 8-14 into formal education, emphasising inclusivity and breaking down educational barriers for disadvantaged students.

In Bishwanath, Sylhet, GUSS operates an institution dedicated to offering education to economically challenged female students. In this project teacher salaries have increased, stipends are being provided for 25 meritorious students, and contributions have been made to cultural, sports, and recreational activities to enrich their overall learning experience.


Going beyond educational institutions, GUSS has distributed school bags, water bottles, and stationery items among 2500 underprivileged students in Rajshahi, Bhola, Patuakhali, Barguna and Cox’s Bazar. Additionally, a past project in Sylhet focused on educating underprivileged school girls about puberty and menstrual health, while also distributing menstrual hygiene items, benefiting a total of 700 students. This project also saw repairing and maintenance of WASH facilities for the school.

GUSS extends its impact through awareness sessions, covering topics from menstrual hygiene to waste management, with over 3000 sessions conducted to date. Looking ahead, GUSS envisions venturing into technical and vocational education and training (TVET), further expanding its commitment to holistic education and community development.