
Case Study - MAUSA - Tube Well Project - Selina Akter

Within Ramu Upazila, in the village of Ukhiarghona, lives a woman who goes by the name of Selina Akter. Three years ago, when she was only 23 years old, her life was struck by tragedy. Because of a terrible landslide accident, her husband lost his life, leaving her with an infant and a child who was then only 5 years old. 

However, Selina picked up the pieces and moved forward. Even if life became a bigger challenge after the death of her spouse, she has never stopped working hard, especially for her children. Her family has constantly faced problems in accessing fresh drinking water, so she used to walk long distances in order to bring home any drinkable water. 

Now, thanks to Muslim Aid USA and Global Unnayan Seba Sangstha, a tube well has been installed in her neighborhood. 

‘Thank you so much,’ she said with a tired but content smile, ‘Clean water is now right near my doorstep.’

Ms. Akter is not the only one who is being helped by this project. More than 20 families have access to the tube well, most of whom carried out similarly lengthy journeys on foot in order to find drinking water. From now on, they can rest easy.