
Our Health Post

In Bangladesh, over 836,000 Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN) are in need of humanitarian assistance. They have faced discrimination in their native land due to various imposed restrictions, effectively denying them citizenship. This has led to numerous human rights violations, including limited access to healthcare services. Currently, they face significant health risks, and addressing their […]

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The First IPT Show

May 2023 marked a historic moment on Bhasan Char Island as the first-ever Interactive Popular Theater came to life. In a remarkable collaboration, Global Unnayan Seba Sangstha (GUSS) joined forces with Artistic Communications to present a two-day extravaganza tailored for the Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN) residing on the island. The show seamlessly blended entertainment […]

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Women Empowerment

Women empowerment lies at the heart of sustainable development and social progress. It’s a key that unlocks a future of equal opportunities, self-reliance, and stronger communities. Global Unnayan Seba Sangstha is a shining example of an organization committed to realizing this transformative vision. Through its dedicated efforts across various sectors, Global Unnayan Seba Sangstha has been empowering women and catalyzing positive change in the lives of the most vulnerable. GUSS ensures that aside from equality and fairness, equity is highly maintained. During our documentation process, a lot of their stories are highlighted and showcased. Various projects are aimed at giving them a livelihood and source of income, as well as increasing their level of education, especially in communities where much of basic knowledge is seen as taboo.

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Working With Refugees

In the face of adversity, compassion has the power to transform lives and sow the seeds of positive change. Global Unnayan Seba Sangstha (GUSS) exemplifies this truth through its unwavering commitment to providing aid, hope, and a new beginning to Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN) – the Rohingya refugees. In partnership with organizations like Muslim Aid USA, Bangladesh Regeneration Trust UK (BRTUK), BRAC, and many more, GUSS has not only extended a helping hand to these refugees but has also embarked on a journey of learning, growth, and empowerment.

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